Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Finally an update...

Alright I have been putting off updating this because everyday I have been so exhausted. Honestly just getting around the city and doing preliminary type things like getting a cell phone have been really frustrating and tiring. But the longer I am here the more I like it. It is very HOT and humid and tropical which is nice for right now. The University is right next to the beach which is the longest in the world (and is PACKED with people on the weekends.) I stil haven't started classes though, because it is so unorganized. Class is whenever and wherever so that is going to take some getting used to. The pscyhology department has been a bit unwelcoming based on the experiences I have had. But I think tomorrow all the bureaucratic--if you can even say that--things will be finished. But its all so unofficial! Proffessors are notoriously lazy and often cancel class. And my psychology of addiction proffessor doesn't understand my accent so we can't communicate at all. Except that i know what he is saying, luckily. He thought I wouldn't be qualified so he kept asking me questions that he didn't understand the answers to. Then pulled out a post-it note sized paper from his wallet and read the syllabus to me. Which didn't really sound all that difficult since we spend a third of the course on signs of addiction--specifically alcohol and caffeine? What? Anyway I have already learned so much about the culture that I think it will all be worth it. It took me a day or so to feel comfortable walking around by myself. The city is impossible to navigate because everything looks so similar - which I assume will change. But also the city is very run-down and there are slums everywhere and so many people missing limbs. I've never seen so many people just naked sleeping/dying? on the sidewalk. And you can't sit in traffic without an old woman coming up and motioning that she needs food. Everyone just ignores it and I am trying to learn to do the same without getting upset. But don't get me wrong-the city is beautiful in many ways. The Hindu temple has been one of my favorite places so far. Anyway more later...


SPQR said...

Yeah, I figured out how to start my first blog. There may be hope for me yet? How did your clothes making work out? I have competely gutted your room-just kidding but we have arranged cleaned/arranged thing some. :) Love

Mom said...

Hey, why don't you tell all of us what courses you will be taking? How is the food?


curtis said...

Hey! Sounds sweet! We should meet somewhere and see some sights. It may be very hard because Inida is so big!

Brendan said...

Man im jealous it sounds literally like your in a different world....how much do you think it costs to call india from springfield

sarah said...

brendan! send me your phone number slc@lclark.edu it is cheaper for me to call you i believe. or i think you can call me through skype and its free...i'll check it out.