Sorry guys. (if anyone reads this anymore)
I have come to realization that I really dislike blogging. talking about myself to no one in particular is uncomfortable for me. so anyway here is an update because I refuse to abandon this: it will probably be a long one.
Basically, about 2 weeks ago colleges all over the state of Tamil Nadu were shut down indefinitely due to conflict between militant Tamils and Sri Lankans over the later's treatment of civilian Tamils in Sri Lanka. Anyway, its not easy to explain nor am I particularly qualified. But basically a Tamil student self-immolated (set himself on fire) to show support for the Tamils in Sri Lanka. So after his suicide the government shut down colleges to avoid further actions of student "unrest" or riots, etc. I guess there is a history of that sort of thing happening during political conflict. SO we didn't have class for about 10 days or so. i decided to travel to Kerala which is another smaller state in southern india on the western coast. Tyson and I went to Fort Cochin, which was really nice--there was a lot of colonial influence from portugal, etc. It was really nice and so nice to be out of the city. Anyway then we went down to Alleppey which is about 2 hours south via bus to get on a houseboat to "tour" the backwaters. We spent roughly 22 hours on the boat drifting around and then docking for the night. There were men "manning' the boat who also cooked for us, etc. Which I felt was a bit awkward. But it was really amazing and gorgeous for lack of better words. The backwaters go through tiny villages lined along rice fields. Then Tyson took the train back to Chennai for the wedding of our favorite rickshaw driver, Govan's cousin...So I then took the train to Varkala which is further south. VERY touristy in the sense that everyone is european unless they work there, but also extremely quiet in the sense that few people go there. At least compared to other beach destinations like Goa (which I really hope to make it to.) Anyway it was really nice to do nothing but lay on the beach (actually acceptable here,) eat, sleep, read and shop. It was perfect. I then took the train back to Chennai which was kind of ridiculous but ridiculousness doesn't phase me so much these days. The ride from Varkala to Trivandrum was spent on top of bags of rice among 15 or so sleeping men in the aisle area between train cars at 3 am. The the train from Trivandrum to Chennai went back the way I came for about 8 hours before another 10 actually in the direction of where I was going, none of which I could really sleep because there are rules about the hours you can pull down the beds in the sleeping cars (because people have to sit there.) Not to complain or anything! I didn't actually mind it so much. But I am still feeling the affects of train jet-lag. School started back up again on thursday (yesterday) and I wasn't really ready for that. Especially since classes are confusing enough to have to make up for time and have assignments I don't understand how to do or when they are due and asking people only usually increases confusion. Fun. So, Valentine's day is tomorrow and many indians are really against it (who knew?) So I was told to expect card burnings and violence. Whaat? I thought it was about chocolate and stuffed animals holding hearts...or at least a day to remember you are bitter and all that. But certainly not a threat to monogamy or something along those lines as it has been explained to me. Weird. But ironically!! I am spending the weekend at an international sexology seminar. Don't ask me what that is going to be like...Also apparently people are wearing pink underwear in protest tomorrow. Which I am still trying to understand. It doesn't seem too effective...Anyway, I'll post some of the more scenic pictures. And maaaybe I'll try to update again soon.
1 comment:
I still read this...and miss you terribly but am just as incapable about writing emails to you about myself as you are at writing blogs...you know me i like to talk not write...anyway we shall figure something out i have ever so much to tell you...have fun and stay safe
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